Icky, Yucky, Mucky at Bookaroo

Calling all Delhites! Go EEW and EEEKS with the author Natasha Sharma and the brilliant editor at Zubaan, Anita Roy, for a rib tickling, disgusting dramatised reading of Icky, Yucky, Mucky!

And if that’s not enough, we may just throw in an icky, yucky and truly mucky song AND give you a chance to make your very own splotchy monsters!






For more details on the festival, visit www.bookaroo.in

Phut-Phut paper print

There is nothing Maharaja Icky loves more than a good mess. You should look at his tablecloth after a meal. It’s the spottiest thing around. Here’s how we copy the messy design using bubble wrap, or phut phut paper as some of us like to call it.

What you need to get started:

  • Old newspaper for covering up your floor
  • Sheets of plain paper to print on
  • Poster paints in 2-3 colours
  • Bubble wrap
  • Paint brush

Let’s get dotty!

Cut the bubble paper into pieces about 5”x5”. You’ll need one piece for every colour you want to use.

Take one piece of the bubble paper and paint one poster colour onto the side with the bubble dots.

Turn it around and print the spots onto the plain piece of paper. Continue with the other colours you want to use.

There you have it – a dotty, spotty, colourful paper that you can create stuff with! You could even print this onto old newspaper to create colourful recycled gift-wrap.

Here is one fishy scene we created for a card with out phut phut print.

Snort-bubble paper

Bubble bubble

Mix it

Snort bubble paper

Have you ever got a yell from mom for blowing bubbles into your milk? Well, Maharaja Icky for one loves to snort through his sherbet! Here’s a great reason to blow bubbles through a straw while creating something wonderful.

What you need to get started:

  • Old newspaper for covering up your floor
  • Poster paint in three bright colours
  • Three plastic drinking straws
  • Dishwashing liquid soap
  • Water
  • Sheets of paper that you want to bubble up
  • Three shallow bowls

Let’s get bubbling!

Mix about 6 spoonfuls of dishwashing liquid and a small amount of water into each of the plates. You should have a thick soap solution. (later when you blow into this, if its not bubbling enough, just add in some more soap solution since the results can vary by brand)

Stir in a few globs of poster colour into each bowl and mix it into the soap solution.

Put your straw into the solution and blow into it to create bubbles. Make sure you don’t suck up any liquid!

Try making big and small bubbles in your bowl by blowing slowly or fast.

Take your paper and gently touch the bubbles with it. You just need an impression of the bubbles so don’t press down too hard.

You can make single or multiple colour snort bubble sheets.

Go ahead and get bubbling! Come back soon for some fun stuff to make with your snort bubble paper.

Snot bookmark

Create your very own snot bookmark as a present for little Princess Mucky!

What you need to get started:

  • Thick sheet of paper
  • A smaller piece of paper in yellow or sickly green
  • Sticky tape or double sided tape if you have some
  • Child safe scissors

Let’s go YEEEW!

Cut out a rectangle of size 5 inches x 1 inch for your bookmark from a thick sheet of paper.

Copy the shape of the glob of snot from the picture shown here onto a sheet of yellow or sickly green paper. Try and make your glob broader that 1inch. You can even cut out two globs, one smaller than the other.

Take some sticky tape and roll it to make it double sided.

Use it to paste your glop of snot onto the top of your bookmark. You could paste two of them like we’ve done in ours.

Fold the bookmark over in the centre like shown. Stick it into your book and go YEEEW! each time you sit down to read.